City Hunter is a 1993 action comedy adaptation of the popular manga series of the same name, which had previously been adapted in a 1987 Anime series. The film stars Jackie Chan as a secret crime fighter who finds himself battling a team of terrorists aboard a luxury liner. City Hunter was also adapted into a 2011 Korean television series. Directed by Jing Wong. With Jackie Chan, Richard Norton, Joey Wang, Kumiko Goto. A self-indulgent private investigator winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food.
Directed by Hong Kong’s King of the Box Office, Wong Jing, City Hunter is packed with insane action and ridiculous comedy. The disappearance of a newspaper tycoon’s daughter brings Chan’s easygoing private sleuth and his lovelorn sidekick (Joey Wang) onboard a luxury cruise liner that soon becomes the target of a gang of hostage-taking terrorists. Wong spins this Die Hard-on-a-boat scenario into a series of outrageous set-pieces, including a deadly card game and a self-referential movie-theater brawl that finds Chan imitating the moves of an onscreen Bruce Lee. Eventually, it goes so far over the top that you can’t even see the top anymore, climaxing with the legendary Street Fighter tribute beat down between Chan and Gary Daniels.
Black metal zine pdf. Photo: Golden Harvest/The Kobal Collection
City Hunter is a 1993 action comedy adaptation of the popular manga series of the same name, which had previously been adapted in a 1987 Anime series. The film stars Jackie Chan as a secret crime fighter who finds himself battling a team of terrorists aboard a luxury liner. City Hunter was also adapted into a 2011 Korean television series. Directed by Jing Wong. With Jackie Chan, Richard Norton, Joey Wang, Kumiko Goto. A self-indulgent private investigator winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food.
Directed by Hong Kong’s King of the Box Office, Wong Jing, City Hunter is packed with insane action and ridiculous comedy. The disappearance of a newspaper tycoon’s daughter brings Chan’s easygoing private sleuth and his lovelorn sidekick (Joey Wang) onboard a luxury cruise liner that soon becomes the target of a gang of hostage-taking terrorists. Wong spins this Die Hard-on-a-boat scenario into a series of outrageous set-pieces, including a deadly card game and a self-referential movie-theater brawl that finds Chan imitating the moves of an onscreen Bruce Lee. Eventually, it goes so far over the top that you can’t even see the top anymore, climaxing with the legendary Street Fighter tribute beat down between Chan and Gary Daniels.
Black metal zine pdf. Photo: Golden Harvest/The Kobal Collection
...'>City Hunter Jackie Chan Movie(27.03.2020)City Hunter is a 1993 action comedy adaptation of the popular manga series of the same name, which had previously been adapted in a 1987 Anime series. The film stars Jackie Chan as a secret crime fighter who finds himself battling a team of terrorists aboard a luxury liner. City Hunter was also adapted into a 2011 Korean television series. Directed by Jing Wong. With Jackie Chan, Richard Norton, Joey Wang, Kumiko Goto. A self-indulgent private investigator winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food.
Directed by Hong Kong’s King of the Box Office, Wong Jing, City Hunter is packed with insane action and ridiculous comedy. The disappearance of a newspaper tycoon’s daughter brings Chan’s easygoing private sleuth and his lovelorn sidekick (Joey Wang) onboard a luxury cruise liner that soon becomes the target of a gang of hostage-taking terrorists. Wong spins this Die Hard-on-a-boat scenario into a series of outrageous set-pieces, including a deadly card game and a self-referential movie-theater brawl that finds Chan imitating the moves of an onscreen Bruce Lee. Eventually, it goes so far over the top that you can’t even see the top anymore, climaxing with the legendary Street Fighter tribute beat down between Chan and Gary Daniels.
Black metal zine pdf. Photo: Golden Harvest/The Kobal Collection
...'>City Hunter Jackie Chan Movie(27.03.2020)