
Some interesting stuff I noticed. There is this new GuP PS4 game released lately. What I noticed is the tanks in the game use the models of WoT thanks to the partnership and collaboration I guess. The textures are different but if you look the tanks you’ll see similarities with wot tanks.But this game has some tanks what WoT doesn’t have, especially some Italian tanks, while CV33 is quite unlikely to appear in WoT with dual MG ( unless WG add a breda 20mm gun which I sure hope to happen) there is the Semovente TD. I hope this is a tiny bit of sight that Italian TDs are work in progress in WoT too, with this Semovente, one less tank model they have to do later 🙂This video collects all the gup tanks in the game.

Xerb Kancolle (Mod) WoWs. By Xandier59, March 14, 2015 in Off-Topic kancolle anime. World of Warships would be the best massively multiplayer online game which has the several battles against other players. All these players who have participated in this game can play the cooperative battle types against the bots or also an advanced PvE battle mode. Whenever you are utilizing an option of using the world of warships icons mod, you will get an opportunity of obtaining the.

Last edit: 21 January 2017 Pravda Team’s World of Warships Modifications List: ♦ Skins ♦.: Recommend downloading the Skin Pack 002(As some skin are out of date if downloaded separately)Xandier’s Kancolle Skin Pack 002 »What inside: Hashidate, Tenryu, Kuma, Aoba, Myoko, Mogami, Zao, Myogi, Kongou, Fuso, Nagato, Izumo, Hosho, Zuihou, Ryujo, Hiryu, Shoukaku, Taihou, Hakuryu, Umikaze, Isokaze, Minekaze, Atago, Iwaki Alpha, Omaha, Cleveland, Iowa, Ranger, Essex, Sims, Hindenburg, Tipirtz, Mikhail, Blyskawica.♦ JAPAN ♦1. Destroyers:.

IJN Tier 2 Umikaze ». IJN Tier 2 Umikaze (Uni, Neptunia) ». IJN Tier 4 Isokaze. ». IJN Tier 5 Minekaze ( Hibiki ). ».

IJN Tier 8 Akizuki »2. Cruisers:. IJN Tier 1 Katori.

». IJN Tier 3 Tenryuu. ». IJN Tier 4 Kuma ( Abukuma ) ». IJN Tier 4 Kuma ». IJN Tier 4 Iwaki Alpha (Yura) ».

IJN Tier 4 Iwaki Alpha (Yahagi) ». IJN Tier 5 Furutaka ». IJN Tier 5 Kako ». IJN Tier 6 Aoba. ». IJN Tier 6 Kinugasa ». IJN Tier 7 Myoukou ( Haguro ) ».

IJN Tier 8 Mogami ( Suzuya ). ». IJN Tier 8 Takao ( TakaoxAtago ) ». IJN Tier 10 Zao (Reimu). ». IJN Tier 10 Zao (Angela) »3. Battleships:.

IJN Tier 4 Myogi (Akame-Akame ga kill) ». IJN Tier 5 Kongou. ».

IJN Tier 6 Fusou. ».

IJN Tier 7 Nagato. ». IJN Tier 9 Izumo ( JDS-184 Kaga ) »4. Aircraft Carriers:. IJN Tier 4 Houshou. ». IJN Tier 5 Zuihou.

». IJN Tier 6 Ryuujou. ». IJN Tier 7 Hiryuu ». IJN Tier 8 Shoukaku ». IJN Tier 9 Taihou ».

IJN Tier 10 Hakuryu »♦ USA ♦1. Destroyers:. USN Tier 7 Sims ( Blake ) ». USN Tier 10 Gearing ( Fate ) »2.

Cruisers:. USN Tier 5 Omaha/Marblehead (Umaru) ».

50+ videos Play all Mix - Alain Chamfort - Adieu California + Manureva (1979) YouTube Alain Chamfort - Manureva - ClubMusic80s - Duration: 6:49. ClubMusic80s 271,357 views. Alain chamfort manureva flack.

USN Tier 6 Cleveland ( Ruby ) »3. Battleships:. USN Tier 4 Arkansas (Sinon – GGO) ».

USN Tier 9 Iowa (Yang) »4. Aircraft Carrier:. USN tier 7 Ranger (Weiss) ».

USN tier 9 Essex (Sayuki Kurobane) »♦ Germany ♦1. Cruisers:. GERMAN Tier 10 Hindenburg ( Kurumi Tokisaki) »3. Battleships:. GERMAN Tier 8 Tirpitz ( Bismarck ) »4. Aircraft Carrier:♦ Russia ♦1.

Destroyers:. USSR Tier 10 Khabarovsk (Krul Tepes) »2. Cruisers:. USSR Tier 8 Mikhail ( Iris Heart ) »3. Aircraft Carrier:♦ Poland ♦1.

Hi I have a problem with the login screen. Sometimes he does not work times.

Whenever I sign out comes the old login screen of world of warships. And if I want to log in the next time come back again the old login screen.I hope you can help me, I have already tried what I know but nothing worked everything. Have version (I pulled down this modPravdaTeamsudoku135LapTapLoveLoginscreen)sry my english so bad wrote it with googel translate. Because my own english is very bad.Like. 🙂I love all of these mods and have been using them up to the 6.0 release.

Since then they have been working fine apart from the UI mod ( Kancolle Enchant basic 3.9.1). It got stuck on the first loading screen and never got past it. This was with a new install as well with no other ‘non PravdaTeam mods’ running. Will this be updated for the new WOW? The skins work and achievements, admiral and login etc.

I also tried the Nagasaki Port mod but that gave me a red sky with text all over it too. Please please please update all because i adore these mods so much.Like. Stats. 2,236,035 ViewsRecent Posts. Categories.

(6). (8). (200). (28).

(27). (3). (3). (9). (1). (3).

(3). (4). (172). (114). (3). (1). (3).

(10). (3). (1). (90). (59).

(33). (2). (1).

(8). (2). (1). (1). (1).

(1). (1). (13)Archives. (1).

(2). (4). (2).

(5). (4). (7). (4).

(7). (7). (15).

(3). (11). (6).

(9). (12). (16). (6). (1). (6). (4).


(5). (7). (7). (9).

(9). (43).

Popular Posts

Some interesting stuff I noticed. There is this new GuP PS4 game released lately. What I noticed is the tanks in the game use the models of WoT thanks to the partnership and collaboration I guess. The textures are different but if you look the tanks you’ll see similarities with wot tanks.But this game has some tanks what WoT doesn’t have, especially some Italian tanks, while CV33 is quite unlikely to appear in WoT with dual MG ( unless WG add a breda 20mm gun which I sure hope to happen) there is the Semovente TD. I hope this is a tiny bit of sight that Italian TDs are work in progress in WoT too, with this Semovente, one less tank model they have to do later 🙂This video collects all the gup tanks in the game.

Xerb Kancolle (Mod) WoWs. By Xandier59, March 14, 2015 in Off-Topic kancolle anime. World of Warships would be the best massively multiplayer online game which has the several battles against other players. All these players who have participated in this game can play the cooperative battle types against the bots or also an advanced PvE battle mode. Whenever you are utilizing an option of using the world of warships icons mod, you will get an opportunity of obtaining the.

Last edit: 21 January 2017 Pravda Team’s World of Warships Modifications List: ♦ Skins ♦.: Recommend downloading the Skin Pack 002(As some skin are out of date if downloaded separately)Xandier’s Kancolle Skin Pack 002 »What inside: Hashidate, Tenryu, Kuma, Aoba, Myoko, Mogami, Zao, Myogi, Kongou, Fuso, Nagato, Izumo, Hosho, Zuihou, Ryujo, Hiryu, Shoukaku, Taihou, Hakuryu, Umikaze, Isokaze, Minekaze, Atago, Iwaki Alpha, Omaha, Cleveland, Iowa, Ranger, Essex, Sims, Hindenburg, Tipirtz, Mikhail, Blyskawica.♦ JAPAN ♦1. Destroyers:.

IJN Tier 2 Umikaze ». IJN Tier 2 Umikaze (Uni, Neptunia) ». IJN Tier 4 Isokaze. ». IJN Tier 5 Minekaze ( Hibiki ). ».

IJN Tier 8 Akizuki »2. Cruisers:. IJN Tier 1 Katori.

». IJN Tier 3 Tenryuu. ». IJN Tier 4 Kuma ( Abukuma ) ». IJN Tier 4 Kuma ». IJN Tier 4 Iwaki Alpha (Yura) ».

IJN Tier 4 Iwaki Alpha (Yahagi) ». IJN Tier 5 Furutaka ». IJN Tier 5 Kako ». IJN Tier 6 Aoba. ». IJN Tier 6 Kinugasa ». IJN Tier 7 Myoukou ( Haguro ) ».

IJN Tier 8 Mogami ( Suzuya ). ». IJN Tier 8 Takao ( TakaoxAtago ) ». IJN Tier 10 Zao (Reimu). ». IJN Tier 10 Zao (Angela) »3. Battleships:.

IJN Tier 4 Myogi (Akame-Akame ga kill) ». IJN Tier 5 Kongou. ».

IJN Tier 6 Fusou. ».

IJN Tier 7 Nagato. ». IJN Tier 9 Izumo ( JDS-184 Kaga ) »4. Aircraft Carriers:. IJN Tier 4 Houshou. ». IJN Tier 5 Zuihou.

». IJN Tier 6 Ryuujou. ». IJN Tier 7 Hiryuu ». IJN Tier 8 Shoukaku ». IJN Tier 9 Taihou ».

IJN Tier 10 Hakuryu »♦ USA ♦1. Destroyers:. USN Tier 7 Sims ( Blake ) ». USN Tier 10 Gearing ( Fate ) »2.

Cruisers:. USN Tier 5 Omaha/Marblehead (Umaru) ».

50+ videos Play all Mix - Alain Chamfort - Adieu California + Manureva (1979) YouTube Alain Chamfort - Manureva - ClubMusic80s - Duration: 6:49. ClubMusic80s 271,357 views. Alain chamfort manureva flack.

USN Tier 6 Cleveland ( Ruby ) »3. Battleships:. USN Tier 4 Arkansas (Sinon – GGO) ».

USN Tier 9 Iowa (Yang) »4. Aircraft Carrier:. USN tier 7 Ranger (Weiss) ».

USN tier 9 Essex (Sayuki Kurobane) »♦ Germany ♦1. Cruisers:. GERMAN Tier 10 Hindenburg ( Kurumi Tokisaki) »3. Battleships:. GERMAN Tier 8 Tirpitz ( Bismarck ) »4. Aircraft Carrier:♦ Russia ♦1.

Destroyers:. USSR Tier 10 Khabarovsk (Krul Tepes) »2. Cruisers:. USSR Tier 8 Mikhail ( Iris Heart ) »3. Aircraft Carrier:♦ Poland ♦1.

Hi I have a problem with the login screen. Sometimes he does not work times.

Whenever I sign out comes the old login screen of world of warships. And if I want to log in the next time come back again the old login screen.I hope you can help me, I have already tried what I know but nothing worked everything. Have version (I pulled down this modPravdaTeamsudoku135LapTapLoveLoginscreen)sry my english so bad wrote it with googel translate. Because my own english is very bad.Like. 🙂I love all of these mods and have been using them up to the 6.0 release.

Since then they have been working fine apart from the UI mod ( Kancolle Enchant basic 3.9.1). It got stuck on the first loading screen and never got past it. This was with a new install as well with no other ‘non PravdaTeam mods’ running. Will this be updated for the new WOW? The skins work and achievements, admiral and login etc.

I also tried the Nagasaki Port mod but that gave me a red sky with text all over it too. Please please please update all because i adore these mods so much.Like. Stats. 2,236,035 ViewsRecent Posts. Categories.

(6). (8). (200). (28).

(27). (3). (3). (9). (1). (3).

(3). (4). (172). (114). (3). (1). (3).

(10). (3). (1). (90). (59).

(33). (2). (1).

(8). (2). (1). (1). (1).

(1). (1). (13)Archives. (1).

(2). (4). (2).

(5). (4). (7). (4).

(7). (7). (15).

(3). (11). (6).

(9). (12). (16). (6). (1). (6). (4).


(5). (7). (7). (9).

(9). (43).

...'>World Of Warships Anime Mod(24.04.2020)
  • appwindow.netlify.app▼ World Of Warships Anime Mod ▼
  • Some interesting stuff I noticed. There is this new GuP PS4 game released lately. What I noticed is the tanks in the game use the models of WoT thanks to the partnership and collaboration I guess. The textures are different but if you look the tanks you’ll see similarities with wot tanks.But this game has some tanks what WoT doesn’t have, especially some Italian tanks, while CV33 is quite unlikely to appear in WoT with dual MG ( unless WG add a breda 20mm gun which I sure hope to happen) there is the Semovente TD. I hope this is a tiny bit of sight that Italian TDs are work in progress in WoT too, with this Semovente, one less tank model they have to do later 🙂This video collects all the gup tanks in the game.

    Xerb Kancolle (Mod) WoWs. By Xandier59, March 14, 2015 in Off-Topic kancolle anime. World of Warships would be the best massively multiplayer online game which has the several battles against other players. All these players who have participated in this game can play the cooperative battle types against the bots or also an advanced PvE battle mode. Whenever you are utilizing an option of using the world of warships icons mod, you will get an opportunity of obtaining the.

    Last edit: 21 January 2017 Pravda Team’s World of Warships Modifications List: ♦ Skins ♦.: Recommend downloading the Skin Pack 002(As some skin are out of date if downloaded separately)Xandier’s Kancolle Skin Pack 002 »What inside: Hashidate, Tenryu, Kuma, Aoba, Myoko, Mogami, Zao, Myogi, Kongou, Fuso, Nagato, Izumo, Hosho, Zuihou, Ryujo, Hiryu, Shoukaku, Taihou, Hakuryu, Umikaze, Isokaze, Minekaze, Atago, Iwaki Alpha, Omaha, Cleveland, Iowa, Ranger, Essex, Sims, Hindenburg, Tipirtz, Mikhail, Blyskawica.♦ JAPAN ♦1. Destroyers:.

    IJN Tier 2 Umikaze ». IJN Tier 2 Umikaze (Uni, Neptunia) ». IJN Tier 4 Isokaze. ». IJN Tier 5 Minekaze ( Hibiki ). ».

    IJN Tier 8 Akizuki »2. Cruisers:. IJN Tier 1 Katori.

    ». IJN Tier 3 Tenryuu. ». IJN Tier 4 Kuma ( Abukuma ) ». IJN Tier 4 Kuma ». IJN Tier 4 Iwaki Alpha (Yura) ».

    IJN Tier 4 Iwaki Alpha (Yahagi) ». IJN Tier 5 Furutaka ». IJN Tier 5 Kako ». IJN Tier 6 Aoba. ». IJN Tier 6 Kinugasa ». IJN Tier 7 Myoukou ( Haguro ) ».

    IJN Tier 8 Mogami ( Suzuya ). ». IJN Tier 8 Takao ( TakaoxAtago ) ». IJN Tier 10 Zao (Reimu). ». IJN Tier 10 Zao (Angela) »3. Battleships:.

    IJN Tier 4 Myogi (Akame-Akame ga kill) ». IJN Tier 5 Kongou. ».

    IJN Tier 6 Fusou. ».

    IJN Tier 7 Nagato. ». IJN Tier 9 Izumo ( JDS-184 Kaga ) »4. Aircraft Carriers:. IJN Tier 4 Houshou. ». IJN Tier 5 Zuihou.

    ». IJN Tier 6 Ryuujou. ». IJN Tier 7 Hiryuu ». IJN Tier 8 Shoukaku ». IJN Tier 9 Taihou ».

    IJN Tier 10 Hakuryu »♦ USA ♦1. Destroyers:. USN Tier 7 Sims ( Blake ) ». USN Tier 10 Gearing ( Fate ) »2.

    Cruisers:. USN Tier 5 Omaha/Marblehead (Umaru) ».

    50+ videos Play all Mix - Alain Chamfort - Adieu California + Manureva (1979) YouTube Alain Chamfort - Manureva - ClubMusic80s - Duration: 6:49. ClubMusic80s 271,357 views. Alain chamfort manureva flack.

    USN Tier 6 Cleveland ( Ruby ) »3. Battleships:. USN Tier 4 Arkansas (Sinon – GGO) ».

    USN Tier 9 Iowa (Yang) »4. Aircraft Carrier:. USN tier 7 Ranger (Weiss) ».

    USN tier 9 Essex (Sayuki Kurobane) »♦ Germany ♦1. Cruisers:. GERMAN Tier 10 Hindenburg ( Kurumi Tokisaki) »3. Battleships:. GERMAN Tier 8 Tirpitz ( Bismarck ) »4. Aircraft Carrier:♦ Russia ♦1.

    Destroyers:. USSR Tier 10 Khabarovsk (Krul Tepes) »2. Cruisers:. USSR Tier 8 Mikhail ( Iris Heart ) »3. Aircraft Carrier:♦ Poland ♦1.

    Hi I have a problem with the login screen. Sometimes he does not work times.

    Whenever I sign out comes the old login screen of world of warships. And if I want to log in the next time come back again the old login screen.I hope you can help me, I have already tried what I know but nothing worked everything. Have version (I pulled down this modPravdaTeamsudoku135LapTapLoveLoginscreen)sry my english so bad wrote it with googel translate. Because my own english is very bad.Like. 🙂I love all of these mods and have been using them up to the 6.0 release.

    Since then they have been working fine apart from the UI mod ( Kancolle Enchant basic 3.9.1). It got stuck on the first loading screen and never got past it. This was with a new install as well with no other ‘non PravdaTeam mods’ running. Will this be updated for the new WOW? The skins work and achievements, admiral and login etc.

    I also tried the Nagasaki Port mod but that gave me a red sky with text all over it too. Please please please update all because i adore these mods so much.Like. Stats. 2,236,035 ViewsRecent Posts. Categories.

    (6). (8). (200). (28).

    (27). (3). (3). (9). (1). (3).

    (3). (4). (172). (114). (3). (1). (3).

    (10). (3). (1). (90). (59).

    (33). (2). (1).

    (8). (2). (1). (1). (1).

    (1). (1). (13)Archives. (1).

    (2). (4). (2).

    (5). (4). (7). (4).

    (7). (7). (15).

    (3). (11). (6).

    (9). (12). (16). (6). (1). (6). (4).


    (5). (7). (7). (9).

    (9). (43).

    ...'>World Of Warships Anime Mod(24.04.2020)